Oliver Heinz und Michael v. Rothkirch have been practicing as specialist lawyers for copyright and media law since 2007. This protected qualification is awarded to lawyers who command particular / in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in their specialist area (see below). This guarantees and maintains the highest level of quality in a particular field of law.

Oliver Heinz’ und Michael v. Rothkirch’s specialist area of law comprises:

  • 1.Copyright law, including the rights of collecting societies / author’s societies, ancillary copyright, copyright contract law, international copyright agreements
  • 2. Publishing law, including music-publishing law, music contractual law
  • 3. Media law (Law of print and visual reporting)
  • 4. Broadcasting law
  • 5. Copyright law, media law and title protection in relation to competition and advertising law
  • 6. Principles of media services, tele-media and telecommunications law
  • 7. Principles of entertainment and cultural event legislation as well as national and European law on the promotion of culture
  • 8. Procedural law and special principles of judicial processes

In order to obtain and to proof their above mentioned particular theoretical knowledge in a specific field of law, lawyers are required to successfully finishes a specialist training course of 120 hours and to successfully pass three written exams. Practical knowledge is verified by proof of having dealt with at least 80 cases and 20 formal proceedings (e.g. courts proceedings). Specialist lawyers are also required to complete 10 hours of further training per year.

Johanna Berendt has successfully completed her specialist lawyer training in 2013.


Hohenlohestraße 9
28209 Bremen

Tel +49 421 222 10 – 0
Fax + 49 421 222 10 – 30

E-mail bremen(at)www.medien-kanzlei.eu